Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Experiencing the Oman House

So I occasionally I tweet about, Toby. He's the fourth person/spirit that resides at my parents home. Toby never had a name until my sister experienced him in her early 20's. Quickly after her encounter with the nameless spirit, she dubbed 'him' Toby; after the entity from the "Paranormal Activity" franchise (how original). For years my sister would laugh and mock me as a frightened fool (maybe I am) as I frequently feel as though I was being watched, heared voices and one evening a full figured apparition at the foot of my bed. . The unexplained noises, feeling as if I'm someones prey, dark apparitions, voices, bed nudges and other occurring events drove me at one point to refuse to stay in the house alone. Since my childhood I've experienced numerous unexplainable encounters with 'spirits'; not just at my home but at others homes and establishments. If having a sixth sense is possible, I think I have it...

That brings me to my experience with the Oman house. I was first introduced to David Oman, owner of the Oman house, last Fall 2013. After attending the red carpet release of his film, "House at the End of the Drive", based on true events and the Sharon Tate murders; I was invited to his home for a tour and after party. 

The Oman house is secluded in the hills of Los Angeles, CA and overlooks the skyline of downtown LA. It's tucked up in a narrow canyon and with several stories built into a hillside; a beautiful home. Notable is this home is located in the center of the desolate dead-end street notorious for one of Hollywood's most shocking murders; the Sharon Tate murders. As I carefully navigated my way through narrow dark canyons up to Cielo Drive, my mind pondered the fateful evening the Manson family assembled and drove with a murderous-mission through constricting roads leading to what seems as a cursed, Cielo Drive.  

Upon arrival I was greeted by the hospitable and robust, David Oman. In celebration of the premiere of his film "House at the End of Drive", David hosted an invite-only tour and after party of his home. Journalists, artists, paranormal investigators, friends and family of David filled the multi-level home for an evening of socializing and maybe some paranormal activity. I had assumed with all the energy surrounding the after party, my "sixth sense" wouldn't hone in on anything out of the ordinary; I was wrong!  

I didn't feel an immediate sense of eerie upon entry of the home as I have at other places; such as Bridgeport Inn, Queen Mary or Glen Tavern Inn. However just three flights down I felt as though I entered a vortex! The presence of an unknown energy was strong in the lower level of the home; particularly an almost-hidden room which hosts a water heater, a couple of brooms and exposes a creepy mound of the foundation. This area of the home isn't much of a room, but more of a terrifying confinement that I would not want to visit again; or at least not alone! Though I entered this torturous tomb-like area with a few people, the energy in this part of the home was dark. In fact that entire lower third level was unsettling. Though I didn't experience any flying objects, unfamiliar voices or witness dreary apparitions, the energy of an unknown presence weighed heavy.

The Oman house has received much publicity since my visit last fall; featured on "Paranormal Witness", "My Ghost Story" and most recently "Ghost Adventures".  David was awarded "Best Writer" at this years Hollywood Shockfest, for his film "House at the End of the Drive".  I keep in contact with David and follow the activity he and others have been experiencing at his home.

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