Alright, so maybe I'm partially prepared, but I am pretty excited for this years con. Looking forward to meeting all the wonderful people that have befriended me online, surviving once again The Walking Dead Escape, making memories with my fellow geeks from Geek Smash, and (drum roll please) COSPLAY!
Last year some of you recall I was Padme Amidala. But I wasn't just Padme....
I was ZOMBIE Padme Amidala!
I joined two of my favorites, Star Wars and zombies, and made a bloody scene that turned heads from galaxies near and far. My pride and joy of the costume were the rather comfortable rubber boots and make shift gun; made from a Nerf gun I found at a thrift shop for a buck!
Every girl needs a pair of ass kickn' boots!
Friends didn't recognize me and kids avoided me; dressing up in such dramatic makeup made for an amusing experience.
Dyed my hair, contacts, stained teeth...
Definitely an experience that I want to live again!
This year I'm seeking your help to determine my 2013 Comic-Con costume. It's no holds barred as I endure to be the most voluptuous Barbarella you've set eyes on OR the sexiest Pink Power Ranger you'd wish would morph you. I'm ready to commit to the physical challenges to get where I need to be, to entertain either of these costumes. I've started cardio sculpt classes, upped my running distance, and about to enroll in kick boxing to master my Pink Ranger skills (should that be the costume I end up wearing). While Barbarella and Pink Ranger are both interests of mine, I am open to suggestions!
Here's your chance to help me chose this years costume & win a prize! Post below, comment on my Facebook or tweet me @TishTini, what YOU think I should cospaly; Barbarella, Pink Ranger or your suggestion. The costume with the most "votes" will be what I cosplay at this years Comic-Con. April 1st I'll tally votes & select one lucky person to win a costume inspired prize (i.e. Pink Ranger action figure, Barbarella DVD etc.)
So post your vote or suggestion and look for the results April 1st. In the meantime, I've got lunges, squats, and a gym calling my name!